History Of The Sky Valley Messenger

The early years of the  Messenger are missing or lost.   Who knows if they will ever surface.  It was started in the year 1980.  The only issue I have from then is Vol. 1, No 20, dated December 31, 1980.  It was a special flood edition.

The Messenger was first introduced August 19th as “The Sultan Messenger” a small town weekly paper with no more ambitions than to be a quiet little, “Mayberry” type of town newspaper.  A paper that focused on more good news than bad and with the intent of finding something good even in the bad.

It was an exciting time for me.  A time of new beginnings, and of a frightening yet wonderful adventure.

To say that my background in journalism was a bit meager is like saying that a rock is a bit dense.  I had no formal education, a mere handful of freelance articles, including a very brief stint as a sports writer for the Monroe Monitor, and no money.  I was on paid summer leave from the Edmonds School District, as an assistant to the Athletic Director.  I had signed a contract for the upcoming year on condition that I could decline it if my summer adventure in the new paper business proved successful.  I never intended to go back.

DomesticallyI was married with a new born son.  I had serious responsibilities.  How I talked my wife into this adventure I have no idea.  Although less than enthusiastic she was a good sport and proved to be a tremendous asset in the success of the paper.

So, why would I choose to be a writer, a journalistof all things?  To risk so much and to sacrifice a good job for something that defied all logic and good sense? Oh, and I forgot to mention that I was a poor speller, and I do mean poor, as well as horrible in regards to the mechanics of proper English.  Not to be overlooked was the fact that, as a photojournalist, I was blind in one eye.

These were not my worst credentials.

The list of reasons why I should not be a writer/photographer, newspaper entrepreneur were so lengthy that I can hardly recall most of them.

Moreover, the country as a whole, was in a deep recession with high unemployment, high inflation along with serious global threats.  Sound familiar?

The answer to the question why was actually very simple, because I believed with all my heart and soul that writing was the one thing that God wanted me to do more than anything else in the whole world.  He put a passion in me that I could not deny.  What I could not do I believed that God could overcome.  I had prayed for direction for years.

The world was full of cruelty, lies and injustices. I wanted badly to make a difference.  “Write about it.”, was the answerI got, time and time again. Where there were lies, I could tell the truth.  Where there was cruelty I could expose it.  Where there was injustice I could cry out for justice.  The written word could make a difference!

I didn’t know how of course, but God would show me.  So I prayed.  And every week I would lay all my notes on the floor, all around me, and I would lay face down with  pad and pen and I would always start by praying to God for direction and to guide me and bless my pen.  I prayed for every article, no matter how small.  I prayed because I can’t write, but God can.  I prayed because I wanted to make a difference, and I believe it has.

And so the Messenger was born!

It turns out that the name , Buddie, means Messenger, in old English, and that’s where the name came from.

The little town newspaper didn’t turn out at all what I had first envisioned, but God had a plan.  People began to call me at all hours of the day and night, asking for help.  They were getting a raw deal from city hall; their child was being treated unfairly in school and the officials were not helping; the police were brutalizing innocent citizens and other members of the local press would not write their story, would I?

I did some real soul searching at that time.  What was to happen to my small town newspaper if I tackled the hard news and bucked the local establishment?  I was pretty sure that it would change things, but I had no idea just how much.

Was this where God was leading me?  People were asking for help, my help.  How could I say no?  I couldn’t.  So then, the Messenger morphed from happy to hardcore and there was no turning back!

I quickly developed a reputation as one who would answer the call no matter who the offender was.  In the process I was sued a number of times by police officers as well as threatened to be killed by them.  My advertisers were threatened, papers confiscated by the police or their friends.  I was attacked by violent criminals, whom, I had written about.  It cost me more than I could ever imagine.  In the end I couldn’t feed myself, let alone my family.  Advertisers were afraid to advertise, and stores were afraid to distribute.  Yet, I couldn’t print enough papers to meet demand.

I eventually quit, took other employment, and started writing photographic history books, more as a hobby.

My passion never died.  That small voice, that I believe to be God, never stopped calling.  Now I have little left in my life other than my faith, my passion, and the voice.  I’m back now, the Messenger is back and we’ll see where the voice leads now.

I still don’t know how to write, but God will help and soon, very soon, you will be calling.  How do I know?  Because, injustice, brutality and liars never sleep, and so, neither does the Messenger.

( The following are just a few of the articles printed in the Messenger over the years.  You decide weather they made a difference. )

Published in: on May 15, 2009 at 7:25 AM  Leave a Comment  

Coming Soon

Updates on this blog will be on the way!

Published in: on May 1, 2009 at 10:21 PM  Leave a Comment  

The Messenger Is Back

     In the words of Mark Twain, ” Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”  And as my mother would say, ” That beats the alternative.”

     Yes, the Messenger is alive and well…very much so.  Further more, my pen hand is far over rested and has long itched, with the only scratch to satisfy it being the many stories needing to be told on the pages of this pad and now  blog.

     Thanks to the advances of technology it will be much more difficult for the opponents  of the truth to work their diabolical schemes to silence the Messenger.

     I do not underestimate the power nor the craftiness of the enemies of  truth.  The war has gone on for ages.  But as much as many battles have been seemingly lost,  Jesus was the first to point out, after three day’s in the tomb, that the Truth is alive and well.

     And so,  my many Friends and supporters of campaigns long waged from day’s past, the Messenger is back.

     And for those who wage deeds in dark corners and hidden places you will have an old adversary bringing  the light of truth where you want it not.

     I look forward to hearing from you, each and every one.

Published in: Uncategorized on May 1, 2009 at 10:03 PM  Leave a Comment