Teachers Are Essential, But Not Expendable

Thirty million people are currently unemployed and collecting an average of 971.88 per week, to sit home and do nothing. Professional football players are being offered to opt out of playing in the upcoming season but will still collect between one and three hundred thousand dollars, for doing nothing. I have heard no complaints about all these people collecting money for absolutely nothing. What I have heard is a lot of ridicule directed at teachers for getting paid while still working hard to provide education to every child in the privacy of their own homes. This is not ideal for the teachers; it is not what they want. It creates different challenges; requiring creative ways in order to attempt to reach every student.

I get that parents are angry that their children are not in school, so are teachers. Children are victims of this virus, and so are teachers. Teachers, parents, and students are in the same rotten boat, trying their best to keep the boat floating and aimed in the right direction. It’s not easy for anyone, and it’s hard not to want to blame someone, but teachers aren’t to blame. They aren’t being paid to sit at home doing nothing. They are and will continue to work hard to teach your children with every tool and creative skill that they can imagine.

Teachers are people too. Many of them and their substitutes are elderly, and many have underlying illnesses that they work with every day, without complaint. Most parents would never know the health problems that teachers live with and work through every day. Now there is a new and deadly threat to those teachers and the substitutes they count on when they are sick, Covid 19. Teachers are essential, but not expendable, and they have every right and reason to be afraid for themselves and their students.

That being said, you have a right to be angry, you should be angry, but remember who has done this to you, your children, and teachers everywhere, China, and don’t ever forget that! If you have to pin a sign on your wall, don’t ever forget what China has done to hurt you, and your children, and everyone everywhere. China has done this; it is they who deserve your anger, not teachers.

Published in: Uncategorized on August 8, 2020 at 1:19 PM  Leave a Comment  

I Love Jell-O

Why do I love Jell-O? I have always loved Jell-O. My mom served Jell-O when I was a child, plain and in other ways. To me Jell-O is like some sort of Zen food, both relaxing and fun. It’s a happy food that makes you feel good with its jiggly texture and many colorful flavors. And then there’s Jell-O with fruit and Jell-O molds. What’s not to love? Plus, plus there’s no shortage of Jell-O. With all the bad things going on today, God knows we can all use more relaxation and fun. So, I recommend Jell-O. Let’s all have some Jell-O. In fact, the World neeeeds Jell-O. Why, with Jell-O we could find world peace or, as my mother would say, “A cure for all that ails us”(perhaps even Covid 19).

Did You Know:

Did you know that Jell-O was invented in 1897 by Pearle Bixby Wait?

Did you know that Jell-O is the largest selling prepared dessert and is popular worldwide?

Did you know that Jell-O is Utah’s official State food?

Did you know that Gelatin, the primary ingredient to Jell-O, is rich in protein, and has a unique amino acid profile that gives it many potential health benefits? There is evidence that gelatin may reduce joint and bone pain, increase brain function and help reduce the signs of skin aging.

Did you know that Jell-O, or gelatin, is another virus-friendly food? Gelatin is easy on the stomach, and it helps keep your blood sugar regulated, giving you the energy you need to fight off your sickness.

There is no end to the interesting things to know about Jell-O, but I leave you with this tip from the official report of Dick Solomon, the High Commander of the troops in 3rd Rock from the Sun, describing how to deal with an unsuspecting serving of Jell-O:
“What To Do When You Encounter Jell-O:
1. Never let it see you’re afraid. Jell-O loves this.
2. Smile. Say you are a friend, you come in peace.
3. Reason with it.
4. Offer it a gift.
5. Find out what it wants.
6. Let it see you have no weapons.
7. If it continues to jiggle menacingly, Stab it to death with a kitchen knife and throw it in the sink.”
3rd Rock from the Sun: The Official Report on Earth by High Commander Dick Solomon.


Come on man, get with Jell-O!!!

Published in: Uncategorized on August 7, 2020 at 11:14 AM  Comments (7)  

China’s Trojan Horse

The world is getting a glimpse of what biological warfare looks like. When a country like China unleashes a man-made deadly virus on the world no one, absolutely no one is safe. More over, it’s not what we know about Covid 19, it’s what we don’t know. We have no idea if we will ever be able to eradicate the virus. We have no idea of it’s long term side effects. How may it effect the health of the human race generations from now? We know so little, and it’s made us afraid.

What we do know is that it is deadly, that it was created in China, and that China deliberately, with malice, sent the virus around the world. We also know that world leaders see so much financial profit from China that they refuse to condemn and isolate China for what it has done, and that has only embolden China.

Now China is sending us seeds. Not just the US, but other countries, Canada and the UK have also reported receiving mysterious packets of seeds.

“Beware of Greeks baring gifts”, who said it and why? It is believed that it was first written by the Roman Poet Virgil who wrote it as a phrase spoken as a warning by his character in the Laocoon in the Aeneid, a written version of the legendary story of the Trojan War. The meaning is obvious, do not trust enemies who mail you mystery seeds.

What are these seeds all about? Like the virus from China, little is known about the seeds. Where exactly are they coming from in China? What is their purpose, and how might they affect us or our crops if they are planted here? Why would China send seeds around the world in the midst of a pandemic that they created? Is it a form of bio terrorism? China has proven that they cannot be trusted, their motives are always selfish and sinister. In this real-life story, the World is the Trojans, China is the Greeks, and the seeds are the Trojan horse. If you receive one of these packets of seeds, whatever you do, do not open them, do not plant the seeds, burn them! Burn them as though your life depended on it! Burn them to Hell!!!

Published in: Uncategorized on August 6, 2020 at 3:21 PM  Leave a Comment  

What’s Next?

Lots and lots of lawsuits against all the liberal cities for lack of police protection, unlawful confinements, closures, and the First Amendment right to assemble for religious worship, and who knows what else?

Regarding the next phase of relief packages for those financially impacted by the government shutdown over the Chinese biological attack, we can expect compromises from both the House and the Senate, who are currently locked in a debate over trillions of dollars. The Democrats want to buy everyone’s willful imprisonment vote in November with over four trillion dollars. The Republicans want to encourage everyone to come out of their holes and go back to work with a more limited amount of little over one trillion dollars.  The compromise will likely result in additional federal unemployment benefits of about three hundred dollars a week, down from the previous six hundred dollars. For individuals, the previous twelve hundred per adult and five hundred per child will likely be unchanged. Relief for small businesses will be provided at an unknown yet unsustainable sum. There will be money for schools trying to reopen safely, key word “safely”, as though there really is safety against biological warfare. Beyond that, God only knows what else the Democrats will attempt to attach to the package, perhaps Chinese Health Balls for everyone.

Published in: Uncategorized on August 2, 2020 at 9:56 PM  Leave a Comment  

Stuck with, “Made in China”


Here in Washington State we are mandated to wear face masks to bed, do we even know who we’re sleeping with?

So, I’m in a local grocery store and I see face masks for sale, needing a replacement I purchase a pack. Later, I open the pack and low and behold, what falls out, a sticker informing me that I have just made a purchase from China. If I had hair, I would pull it out. China sends me a killer virus followed with a mask mandated by Governor Inslee. China is laughing all the way to the bank. Here in America we don’t even know how to make medical face masks to compete with the bastards that are killing us. How pathetic is that?!

Published in: Uncategorized on August 2, 2020 at 9:53 PM  Leave a Comment